Centre number: 14715
Candidate number: 8187
Shooting Schedule
This is our shooting schedule for when we go out to film for our 5 minute short film. The first day we are going out to film is on the 8th of November. On this day we are going to film for the male leads side which involves a lot of typing on the computer and faceless shots of him as we aren't showing his face to make it more tense.
On the second day, 28th November, we are going to film for the female leads role. This is where most of our film is going to be because it is all about Chloe and how she starts talking to Scott. During the film, we will have a blank screen with a day written at the bottom; for example Day 6. Me and my group thought that it would help the audience to understand how both Chloe and Scotts relationship has moved along over the set period of time that we are showing.