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For our first task we had to make a short 20-30 second clip of a Dilemma. Our main focus for the task was to practise making sure our shots was precisely in focus throughout the clip. Also, we had to show a variation of shot sizes and angles. Me and my group used the shoulder shots, wide angle shots, close ups and the focus pull shot. 


After we did this, we put the short clip together and showed our teacher for feedback. The feedback we got was to make sure the clips that we did don't have so much 'negative space'. If we wanted to show location through our shots then it is okay to have space around the people acting in the shots. In most of the scenes we did, there was a lot of space around the actors which would distract the audience to not focus on what is actually going on in the scene. When we go on to doing our 5 minute short film, we need to make sure that each shot we do is done properly and also that it is precisely.

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