Centre number: 14715
Candidate number: 8187
When we was trying to decide to come up with an Ident, we thought that it would be good to do a mindmap so we can show all of our different idea's of what we could have at the beginning of our short film.
After a while we was stuck between two different idents which was the mouse with 'Left Click' on each side of it and the one at the bottom of the page which was the 'Left Click Productions' with the Mouse arrow by the side of it.
This is our final ident that we made on Illustrator. We decided that when we come to making it properly on Motion then we can have the arrow key actually making a clicking sound to make it look professional.
In the end, we went onto illustrator and started to try out different versions of what we wanted our ident to look like.
Branding Company
This is our final ident for our short 5 minute film 'SMS'. When we was making it on Motion we stuck to our idea of what we wanted and it worked out well. There was a few minor faults when we couldnt get the timing right and getting things to stay in the same position but in the end it all worked out exactly how we wanted it. Me and my team mates all helped each other to get the final ident right and we are very pleased with the outcome.