Centre number: 14715
Candidate number: 8187
At the start of our A2 Media project, me and the other members of my group done a couple of mindmaps on what types of Social Realism genres there are. We firstly started of with writing down basic ideas that we had on the page and split it into different sections that fit together.
Some of the ideas that we come up with is Poverty, Social Struggle and Health Problems but the main one that we liked the most was Catfish. At first we thought that it would be good to have someone pretending to be someone else over the internet whilst talking to a young girl but in the end we changed our Idea to 'Child Grooming'. This is basically the same idea as Catfish accept from the fact that the young girl know's who the person on the otherside of the internet is and is willing to carry on talking to him. The whole idea of the film is to get across the fact that everyone is not what they seem. We see that The young girl in our short film confides in the older man because she feels like she has no one else to turn too when she needed them. She is having trouble at home with her parents and also she doesnt have many friends because she doesnt fit in.