Centre number: 14715
Candidate number: 8187
Key Light
The key light is the most important light that a lighting cameraman, photographer or any other scene composer will use in a lighting set up. The main purpose of the Key Light is to highlight the main subject of the scene. It can be placed at different angles depending on where the main subject is but can also be placed high or low for different effects.
Fill Light
The Fill Light is mainly used to match the contrast of the scene. Usually when you use a Fill Light it helps the audience figure out the mood of the scene. For example if the lighting is low key, it will have shadows on the main subject to infer the kind of atmosphere that they are trying to get across.
Back Light
The Back Light is placed behind the subject to create a separation between the subject and the background. If you was to use a Back Light, you would mainly use it for the person in the scene's hair or shoulders. Film makers usually have backlighting in soap operas to make the actor/actress look more good or pure.
High Key and Low Key
High Key lighting is used to make the scene brighter and well lit. Usually it helps the audience see more of what is going on and also it helps imply what they want people to focus on. If an object is more brighter, then that is the main focus of the scene rather then everything else. Low Key
lighting increases the black and white atmosphere. It is mainly used to create a Chiaroscuro effect which is using a high contrast between light and dark, depth and volume.
White balance settings
Cloudy - This setting warms up a touch more then daylight mode.
Tungusten - Mainly used indoors and cools down the colours in the scene.
Daylight - Used more for shooting outdoors with normal day lighting.
These are the images that me and my group took on the Camera. We took both interior and exterior photos to see the difference. With the interior lighting, we went through the different white balance settings. We thought the best setting was the cloudy and the white fluorescent light because it gives the shot a more warmer and clearer look.
On the exterior photos, we was outside taking the photos. On some of the photos we used White Balance settings again to see what the difference was from when we did it inside. I think that the white balance settings on the camera work more better outside because you can make the shots look different to what you want it too. If you want it too have a colder look then you can put it on settings that match that.