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At the beginning of the short film, we see Pixar's ident followed by the title of the film 'One Man Band'. Once we see the title of the short film, it then zooms out and we see a script of a man with all his instruments attached to him that he is playing. From seeing this, we immediately know what time set we are in and a hint of what the short film is about.


In the opening scene, they have used a wide shot to imply the location to us which we immediately assume that it is an olden day setting. Once the red curtains open, we see the main character behind it. From the first look at this for the first 30 seconds of the short film so far, we already know that it is more for the younger audience rather then the older. In the background you can hear a lot of instruments that the main character is playing right infront of us, implying that he is there to entertain.

Shortly after this, we are followed by a wide shot in which we see a young girl walking towards the fountain centered in the middle of the setting. We see that in her hand she is carrying a small coin and is about to put it into the fountain to make a wish. As the young girl is about to place the money in the fountain she gets stopped by intruments playing from somewhere around her. She starts to look around and she notices a man, the main character, playing his instruments louder to try and get her attention because he is desperate for the money. We see the young girl start to walk towards him, clearly intrigued by him and keen enough to give him the money. As she is about to put the money into the pot by the side of him, a new character is introduced. The young girl turns

around to be met by another man on the other side of the location, playing instruments too. We can clearly see the young character is even more intrigued by the new 'one man band' and starts to walk over to him instead to place her money inside of the pot. Once the main character see's that the young girl isn't interested in him anymore, he starts to try play his instruments even louder to try get her attention away from the other one man band. We are then left to see that both of the men are playing there best to try win over the little girls attention so they can have the money.


Following on from this, we see several shots in which the two men carry on trying to win over her attention. Once it all gets to much for the girl, she is left standing in the middle of the setting with her hands over her ears because the music and tension around her gets to loud. Once she places her hands over her ears to try stop the noise that is happening around her, she drops the coin from her hand and it rolls into a drain near by. Both characters then stop what they are doing and watch what then happens to the coin. Once the coin drops we see a shot from under where the drain is. We then see there faces in shock as they all look down the drain. The short film then takes a drastic turn as the young character turns angry and we don't see that innocent side to her that we saw before. The young girl asks for her money back but they didn't have any so they gave her an instrument and she stomps away from them angry. When she finally stops moving, she holds the instrument up and starts to play an amazing piece of music as the two men stand there in shock. After a couple of seconds of playing the instrument, a bag of coins is dropped at her feet. She grabs the coins and walks towards the fountain to put the coins in but first she rubs the fact that she has some money in there faces and then chucks it in the fountain behind her for them to retrieve themselve. We see a mid shot of the two characters as they stare defeated at the money in the fountain. 


I think the shots that pixar used in this short film was really good. I like the fact that when the tension was rising, the shots got more quicker and rapid to show that something bad will happen. There was many close up shots to show the emotions of the characters. For example when the young girls money dropped in the drain we had a high angle shot of her crying. When using a high angle shot to look down at people, it usually means that the person in the shot is less important or upset then the other characters in that scene at that given time. I think the music helped a lot within this film because it helped the audience to understand what the characters was feeling. As the music got quicker, so did the shots. Also when the music was slow and smooth it was when the young girl was upset. 


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