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Film poster analysis

The name of the TV show is clearly visable to the reader. They haven't used big fancy writing it's just simple which works well with the whole theme as there isnt much on it. 

The slogan they have used for the TV show gives away quite a lot about what the idea of the show is. Staight away, It gives you the hint that it is to do with some something happen online and over the computer, hence the 'think before you click'. Either side of the slogan you also have a arrow key pressing on an 'accept' button on facebook.

In the middle of the poster, you have a blue strip with white writing on. Usaully when you see them colours, you think of Facebook. Seeing this immediately gives us an insight into the fact that something isnt quite right.

From clearly looking at this poster of Catfish, the first thing you see is that at the top there is an image of the top half of a mans face clearly looking at something on the computer. On the other hand, at the bottom, you see the bottom half of a womens face. When looking at the women at the bottom you can tell that she is meant to be hiding away from something, seeing as you cant see the top half of her face. 

The first thing that I saw which was different about this poster was the texture they gave it. You can clearly see that it looks pixilated on purpose to give it the effect of having it look like a computer screen.

The image in this poster straight away implies to the audience that this film is all about youngsters who live in England. We don't know much about the film yet from just looking at it but you can clearly see it is going to be all about their life and what situations they are put in. Also, looking at the lightning in the main image, it gives the audience a dark and mysterious look from the outside. It is dak and dull.

The thing that caught my eye the most was the name of the film. Straight away when you look at the poster, it is massive and in your face. I like the fact that they have used the colours of the british flag within the film name. This way you can easily tell that it is a typical British social realism film.

The colour scheme they have used is very vague and dull. They use mainly darker colours, even if it is a bright colour the contrast is darker. Although on the other hand, I think it makes it look more interesting because it gives it more of a mysterious feeling and immedaitely gives us in insight into what their life is like. 

The slogan is the main thing that gives you an idea of what the film will be like. It says 'A time to stand out from the crowd'. This indicatates to the audience that they will be getting up to mischief and trying to put themself out their to make people notice them.

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