Centre number: 14715
Candidate number: 8187
What Have You Learned About Your Audience Feedback?
Getting feedback from our target audience was important for us as it helped with the production of our short film. We could'nt make a product if it didnt appeal and please our target audience.
Before we had our finished product of SMS, me and my team mates gathered a couple of people within our target audience to talk about what they think a Social Realism film should include and whether the first draft of our short film appealed to them or not. Looking at the feedback that we recieved, there is some improvements that could be made. One of the things that was said in our Focus Group was mainly about the lightning in some of the beginning scenes due to it affecting the fluidity of the film. From recieving this feedback, we went back and made sure that the lightning matched some of the other shots that was followed by straight after. We did this so it didnt affect the atmosphere that we was trying to get across to the audience.
On the other hand, me and the rest of my group members worked together to create a questionnaire aimed at our target audience. In result of our feedback, overall, it was mainly positive. It showed that as a whole more then half enjoyed our film and that we stuck to the basic generic conventions throughout a Social Realism film.
Working on our film with a younger actress was found difficult to me and my team members. Although having her at an A at GCSE drama, finding the time to film was the hardest part of all, simply because she was at school 5 days a week. Even though we struggled with timing, we were able to get all the footage that we needed to complete our film because we managed it very well. The first time we ever filmed for our female leads part, it got dark and gloomy rather early seeing as it was around October time. Having our actor arrive home at just gone 4 o clock in the evening on that same day was proven difficult seeing as we had to film outside in a park right by her house and it was already starting to get dark.
The first time we showed our short cut of our film to our target audience, they agreed that having the outside scene in the park worked out well because it was just before it had got dark. They also added the point that it gave the film more of an effect because the whole film its self has a dark side to it seeing as she is talking online to an older man. It wouldnt be all happy and sunny.
Having the audience feedback from the focus group really helped both me and my team mates because it helped us to make massive changes to our film and improve it to make it more better and interesting for the viewers. I think an improvement for me and my grop would be to work on timing issues. When we come to filming footage again for another short film that we make, we need to make sure that our main lead has enough time to be in the film for us and can manage her time just as equally as us.